Nourish Scotland, a leading food justice NGO, works towards a fairer, more sustainable food system in Scotland and beyond. In 2019, I worked with their Senior Project Officer and human rights expert Dr. Chelsea Marshall to provide their Annual Conference with illustrated reminders that hope is radical. During the two-day conference, food justice pioneers, thinkers and change-makers from Scotland and around the world discussed a ‘Game Plan for a Good Food Nation’, envisioning a food system that encompasses health, social justice, environmental justice and the local food economy. Instead of filling their welcome packs with single-use plastic and mindless consumerism, we decided to put a mini-print in each welcome pack, reminding participants of the importance of hope:
“Hope is radical. We live in an age where it is infinitely easier to make cynicism and despair convincing than it is to make hope seem possible. Hope is a radical act of resistance. Practicing active hope does not mean waiting passively for others to create the planet we want: it means turning our hopes for the world into intentions that guide our actions every day. We become part of the world we hope to bring about. Hope is radical.”
Find out more about Nourish on their website.